Autumn is a souper sensory time of year leaves; conkers are falling from the trees, the weather is getting colder, the nights are darker, and we look forward to celebrating Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas.

Here are some fantastic cause-and-effect apps themed around this beautiful time of year to use with sensory learners in your settings & at home for learning and fun.


MEBOP SPOOKY is a super, spooky fun app with Halloween themed images and sounds

Tap, swipe & flick the screen to make skulls, eyeballs, sweets, and monsters appear. Touch the shape to make it pop. Shake the device to watch the noisy shapes move.


MAGIC CANVAS is a lovely app with lots of different interactive scenes to choose from. This one is Tree House perfect for Autumn.

Touch the screen to make sounds & watch bright, colourful birds, flowers, leaves, little people appear.


MY BABY FIREWORKS is a very noisy & fun app where round colourful fireworks fly onto the screen.

Tap the shapes to make them explode into a fantastic fireworks display.

WARNING – This is so much fun & very addictive.


FIREWORKS LAB is an app where you can create your own amazing fireworks display! Pick a firework shape and then make it your own by feeding it a colourful treat.

Arrange your firework creations into a display then tap them to watch them come alive.


SENSORY CAUSE & EFFECT SOUND BOX has been around for a long time, but still one of my favourite cause & effect apps.

There are some lovely images & sound choices for Autumn such as Wind Maker, shown in the video.

Touch, tap and drag your finger around the screen to stir up the noisy wind to blow Autumn leaves all around the screen.