In an old house on the edge of town

Lived a Ghost named Boo in a spooky white gown

He loved to play tricks (like most Ghosts do)

Hiding keys and the odd smelly shoe

‘Boo, the Ghost’ is a fun sensory story experience about a friendly but mischievous Ghost named ‘Boo,’ who loves to play tricks at night when the rest of the house sleeps.

‘ Boo the Ghost’ would make a perfect story to share as part of Halloween celebrations in October.

A ‘Boo the Ghost’ PowerPoint/Video accompanies the sensory story experience. Links are within the written resource download with the option to view or download from the Sensory Soup Dropbox, OneDrive, or the Sensory Soup YouTube channel.

‘Boo the Ghost’ Story by Katie@sensorysoup

Illustrations by Abigail Tyres @ryefieldcreations