Deep in a forest where no one can see
Lives a Leprechaun named Lucky, sung in a tree
Wearing a suit of velvet, green as the leaves
A hat trimmed with clover and tricks up his sleeves
“Lucky the Leprechaun” is a delightful short story about a friendly Leprechaun who crafts beautiful shoes for the fairies living in the woodland alongside him. To say thank you, the fairies gift him shimmering gold coins, which he cleverly hides at the end of a rainbow. This story is perfect for sharing during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.
To enhance the storytelling experience, a sensory story PowerPoint or video titled “Lucky the Leprechaun” can be downloaded from the Sensory Soup Dropbox or OneDrive. Alternatively, you can view the PowerPoint in video format via the Sensory Soup YouTube channel.