The Sensory Soup, ‘Little Book of Magic,’ contains four simple magical experiments, perfect for a magical theme Magic Cauldron Bubbles A magical mixture to create bouncing bubbles Tears of Frog …

Dance Of The Witches & Wizards

Dance of the Witches & Wizards’ is a music and movement session written for special learners who use wheelchairs to access the world around them. The session offers a way …

Magic Spell Sensations

‘Magic Spell Sensations’ is an activity themed around Magic & Magical Spells. Through the use of stimulating resources & and a ‘Magic Spell Sensations’ PowerPoint, this activity aims to awaken …


‘Minibeast Dance’ ‘is a music and movement session written for special learners who use wheelchairs to access the world around them. The session offers a fun way for non-ambulant learners …

Pirate Sensations

‘Pirate Sensations’ is a sensory session themed around Pirates. Through the use of stimulating resources & and a ‘Pirate Sensations’ PowerPoint, this activity aims to awaken your learner’s senses as …

Pirate Dance

‘Pirate Dance’ ‘is a music and movement session written for special learners who use wheelchairs to access the world around them. The session offers a fun way for non-ambulant learners …

Summer Sensations

Summer Sensations’ is a sensory session themed around some of the different things you would experience with your senses during the Summer months. Through the use of stimulating resources & …

Sunset By The Ocean

‘Sunset by the Ocean’ is a multisensory experience that involves watching the Sunset by the Ocean. Pack a beach bag with a towel, cold drink, and camera and watch the …

Dive Into The Ocean

‘Dive Into The Ocean’ is a themed body awareness session. Each part of the activity suggests a touch input or movement of a body part related to being a deep sea …

The Life Of An Octopus

‘The Life of an Octopus’ is a sensory lesson about Octopuses Octopuses are fascinating creatures that live in Oceans all over the world. They have eight arms with suckers that …

Tropical Island Sensations

‘Tropical Island Sensations’ is a sensory session themed around some of the different things you would experience with your senses if you visited a Tropical Island. Through the use of …

Safari Dance

‘Safari Dance’ ‘is a music and movement session written for special learners who use wheelchairs to access the world around them. The session offers a fun way for non-ambulant learners …

Spring Sensations

‘Spring Sensations’ is a sensory session themed around the Spring season Through the use of stimulating resources & and a ‘Spring Sensations’ PowerPoint, this activity aims to awaken your learner’s …

Spring Garden

‘Spring Garden’ is a body awareness session themed around Spring & Gardening. This session would be ideal for sharing with a child or young person on an Acheeva bed or …

African Sensations

‘African Sensations’ is a sensory session themed around Africa Through the use of stimulating resources & and an ‘African Sensations’ PowerPoint, this activity aims to awaken your learner’s senses in …

Safari Dance Massage

‘Safari’ Dance Massage is an activity that combines music with sensory input to create a communication through touch activity themed around some of the different things associated with going on …

Sensory Room Night Animals

Night Animals is a sensory session about different animals that sleep during the day and come out at night. Use a torch to search for the eyes of the animals …

Nocturnal Animals

‘Nocturnal Animals’ Dance Massage is an activity that combines music with sensory input to create a communication through touch activity themed around some of the different animals that sleep during …

Winter Snow Resonance Board Story

Winter Snow is a short rhyming sensory story by Sensory Soup about the wonder and magic the Winter weather brings. This version gives ideas on how you may like to …

Space Explorers

‘Space Explorers’ is a body awareness session themed around Space. This session would be ideal for sharing with a child or young person when on an Acheeva bed or safe …

Winter Snow

Outside, fresh snow is falling softly to the ground. The old flakes beneath make a crisp and crunchy sound. Chilly winds twirl to and fro, loud, fast, quiet, slow. Winter …

The Snowman

‘The Snowman’ is a body awareness session themed around building a Snowman. This session would be ideal for sharing with a child or young person when on an Acheeva bed …

Mince Pie Dance Massage

 Mince Pie Dance Massage is a communication through touch session with a festive theme. Combining music and sensory input, this festive sensory session is perfect for all ages as part …

Christmas Dance

‘Christmas Dance’ ‘is a music and movement session written for special learners who use wheelchairs to access the world around them. The session hopes to offer a fun way for …